Diabetes Prevent

About this programme

In this 9 month programme, you will be supported to feel more confident managing your health, improve your blood glucose levels, lose weight if you need to and to build new habits to help you reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

How to join

Who can join?

  • Aged 18 and over
  • Not pregnant
  • No confirmed diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
  • Motivated to change their lifestyle and can commit to the 9 month programme
  • Registered in an area where Oviva is available

Why should I join?

People on average lose 4.5kg

Reduce your risk of diabetes by up to 50%

Improve your blood glucose levels

Available on the NHS at no cost to you

How we can help you

Why Oviva?

At Oviva, we will work with you to develop a plan tailored to your needs. As part of your plan, you will be matched with either a personal health coach or a community group made up of people also on the programme to support you in making changes.

The provision of Tier 3 weight management services varies across the UK, and there are multiple barriers to attendance.
Getting started

First, we will discuss your previous medical history. We’ll ask questions about your eating habits, your everyday life and your environment to understand more about who you are. Together we’ll set realistic goals and a plan to achieve them over the course of the programme. Our mission is to support you to create new healthy habits for both your body and mind.

How can I join Diabetes Prevent?


We are available via the NHS in Tayside. If you’re registered with a GP Practice in Tayside, you can self-refer straightaway using the link below.

We are also a digital provider of the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. If you live in England, you can find more information about how to join the programme in your local area here.

Your questions answered

How much does it cost?

The support is completely free and is offered as part of the NHS.
Please note for some programmes you may need to purchase total diet replacement products in place of your normal meals.

How can I join an Oviva programme?

If you are eligible to join, you can be referred by your GP and in some areas you can sign up directly. Eligibility criteria can vary for each programme.

More FAQs

Get in touch

We are available all over the UK, so speak to your GP practice to see if you can be referred to Oviva Diabetes Support. Please note the programme may vary in different NHS regions.

We are also a digital provider of the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. If you live in England, you can find more information about how to join the programme in your local area here.

Our stories

I have found a hobby in running and regularly do 5 and 10k races with my daughter. My resting heart rate has reduced significantly!

Glenn, Essex

I haven't just noticed physical changes, but my mental health has improved drastically. I am now body confident and motivated to maintain these healthy habits.

Lee, West Drayton

I have lost over 2 stone and lowered my risk of developing diabetes. More importantly, my mental health has vastly improved as I have fostered a positive relationship to food.


This programme has allowed me to have control over type 2 diabetes. I learnt the importance of having and maintaining good eating habits.

Shana, London

My whole experience was enjoyable, and all of the information was pitched at just the right level. I’m at the point where my weight is not difficult to maintain. I feel comfortable and I don’t feel like I am on a diet or struggling to stay where I am.

Graeme, Buckinghamshire

I now know what I am doing. I have the support and knowledge I need to keep my self-discipline strong. I would advise anyone who has been offered this programme to do it!
