Support your patients with specialist weight management

Oviva’s fully remote NHS Tier 3 Weight Management programme, including weight loss medications, is now accepting GP referrals via Right to Choose.

How to refer

Who are Oviva and what is the service?

Oviva, a trusted and CQC-registered NHS provider, has led the way in digitally enabled weight management programmes since 2014. Oviva has assisted over 800,000 people worldwide in managing various health conditions, including weight management and Type 2 diabetes. Oviva’s Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management programme spans 12-24 months and can include weight loss injections, depending on patient eligibility and preference.

Oviva’s service is consultant-led. The multidisciplinary team includes consultant endocrinologists, diabetes specialist nurses, dietitians and psychologists.

We are proud to demonstrate our weight loss outcomes and the positive impacts on overall health and well-being, supported by over 62 publications.

60% completion rate of programme starters

Internal data, May 2023

14kg average body weight loss at 6 months for people receiving weight loss medication

(Patients received Saxenda®. The service currently prescribes Wegovy® with significantly greater weight loss expected)

Average reduction in depression scores from 9.3 to 6.9 at 6 months

Source: Source: Lawson, Victoria, et al. “What impact can digitally delivered health care for complex obesity have on depression severity? A service evaluation.” Clinical Psychology Forum. Vol. 351. 2022.

How do I refer?

  1. Check your patient is eligible according to your local ICBs access criteria for Tier 3 Weight Management services.
    This should be available on the ICB’s website. If your local ICB does not have a specific Tier 3 Weight Management access policy, please refer to Oviva’s standard criteria, aligned with NICE guidance.
  2. Download and complete the referral form found here.­­ Alternatively, you can find our referral form on Arden’s Local document library (in areas that commission the service), via SystmOne or EMIS. This will pre-populate much of the information that we need.

3. Send the completed referral form to

Alternatively, send the referral form via eRS. Please use the Secondary Care menu and search the following terms on the system:

Name: Tier 3 Weight Management Service (medical) – Oviva
Speciality: Endocrinology & Metabolic Medicine
Clinic type: Not otherwise specified
Organisation or site name: Oviva

Referrals made to Oviva’s local Tier 3 Weight Management Service may be eligible for the £11.50 payment under the National Weight Management Enhanced Service, a scheme to increase referrals to weight management services.

Download referral form

How is this service accredited?

Under the Right to Choose framework, patients in England have a choice of any clinically appropriate health service provider offering elective, consultant-led services that holds a commissioning contract with any NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB). Oviva’s Tier 3 Weight Management service meets all of these requirements.


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