Diabetes Remission

About this programme
In this 12 month programme, you will be supported by your own personal Diabetes Specialist Dietitian to lose weight using a Low Calorie Diet, improve your blood glucose levels, reduce your medications need, and potentially put your diabetes into remission.
Who can join?
- People aged between 18 and 65 years old
- People who are not pregnant
- Confirmed diagnosis of type 2 diabetes within the last 6 years
- Those who are motivated to change their lifestyle and can commit to the 12 month programme
- Those registered in an area where Oviva is available
How we can support you
Why Oviva?
At Oviva, we work with you to develop a plan tailored to your needs. As part of your plan, you will be matched with either a personal health coach or a community group made up of people also on the programme to support you in making changes.
Getting started
First, we will discuss your medical history. We’ll ask questions about your eating habits, your everyday life and your environment to understand more about who you are. Together we’ll set realistic goals and a plan to achieve them over the course of the programme.
The outcomes of the programme are being evaluated by the University of Westminster. The results of the evaluation will assess the efficacy and health benefits of the Diabetes 800 programme, and will be used to improve access to these programmes across the country.
If you choose to take part in the evaluation, in addition to the Diabetes 800 programme and access to the Oviva app, you will receive all meal replacement products for the Low Calorie Diet free of charge, as well as a free Fitbit and BodyTrace weight scales that automatically sync with the Oviva app to help you and your personal dietitian track your progress.
For more information about participating in the evaluation, please see the Participant Information Sheet.

I’ve always struggled with committing to a weight loss programme, but Oviva Diabetes Remission felt like I had nothing to lose. Everything was provided and really it required very little effort. My goal is to reach a healthy BMI, but I know I have already done something fantastic by reaching the weight I’m at now, and I won’t deny that I feel genuinely really proud of myself for it.
Deborah, 29 from Hull, joined Oviva Diabetes Remission following her annual review with her GP.
Get in touch
If you have any questions about the programme, please get in touch using the form and one of our friendly team will be in touch as soon as we can.